Kerala High Court Calendar 2024

Kerala High Court Calendar 2024

The High Court of Kerala has officially released the Kerala High Court Calendar 2024 PDF from the official website or it can be directly download from the link given at the given of this page.

Kerala High Court Calendar & Holiday List 2024

Public Holidays:

  • January 2 (Mannam Jayanti)
  • January 26 (Republic Day)
  • March 8 (Shivaratri)
  • March 28 (Maundy Thursday)
  • March 29 (Good Friday)
  • April 10 (Ramadan)
  • May 1 (May Day)
  • June 17 (Bakrid)
  • July 16 (Muharram)
  • August 3 (Karkidaka Vavu)
  • August 15 (Independence Day)
  • August 20 (Sree Narayana Guru Jayanti)
  • August 26 (Sree Krishna Jayanti)
  • August 28 (Ayyankali Jayanti)
  • September 16 (Third Onam)
  • September 17 (Fourth Onam)
  • September 21 (Sree Narayana Guru Samadhi)
  • October 2 (Gandhi Jayanti)
  • October 31 (Deepavali)
  • December 25 (Christmas)

Other Public Holidays Falling on Second Saturdays and Sundays:

  • March 31 (Easter)
  • April 14 (Dr. BR Ambedkar Jayanti, Vishu)
  • September 14 (1st Onam)
  • September 15 (Thiruvonam)
  • October 12 (Mahanavami)
  • October 13 (Vijayadasami)

Restricted Leave:

  • March 12 (Ayya Vaikunda Swami Jayanti)
  • August 19 (Avani Avitam)
  • September 17 (Vishwakarma Day)

Holidays under Negotiable Instruments Act:

  • January 26 (Republic Day)
  • March 8 (Shivaratri)
  • March 29 (Good Friday)
  • April 1 (Bank holiday - financial year-end)
  • April 10 (Ramadan)
  • May 1 (May Day)
  • June 17 (Bakrid)
  • August 15 (Independence Day)
  • August 20 (Sreenarayana Guru Jayanti)
  • September 16 (Milad un-Nabi)
  • September 21 (Sree Narayana Guru Samadhi)
  • October 2 (Gandhi Jayanti)
  • October 31 (Diwali)
  • December 25 (Christmas)

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