Full Moon Calendar 2023

Full Moon Calendar 2023

A full moon calendar is a calendar that provides information about the dates and times when full moons occur throughout the year. It typically includes the names or designations for each full moon based on traditional or cultural naming conventions. The calendar will also specify the day, date, and time (usually in UTC or local time) when the full moon is at its fullest and brightest.

Full moon calendars are useful for those interested in tracking the moon's phases, including astronomers, astrologers, outdoor enthusiasts, and individuals who follow cultural or religious practices related to lunar phases. Many full moon calendars also include additional information about the moon's orbit, such as perigee (closest point to Earth) and apogee (farthest point from Earth) distances, and may include artistic or visual representations of the moon's appearance during each full moon.

These calendars can be available in various formats, including online websites, printed wall calendars, mobile apps, and downloadable PDFs. They provide a convenient way to plan events, ceremonies, rituals, or other activities based on the lunar cycle.

Full Moon Calendar of the Year 2023

Full Moon Date  Full Moon TimeFull Moon Name
6 January 202311.07 p.mWolf Moon
5 February 20236.28 p.mSnow Moon
7 March 202312.40 p.mWorm Moon
6 April 20235.34 a.mPink Moon
5 May 20236.34 p.mFlower Moon
4 June 20234.41 a.mStrawberry Moon
3 July 202312.38 p.mBuck Moon
1 August 20237.31 p.mSturgeon Moon (supermoon)
31 August 20232.35 a.mBlue Moon (supermoon)
29 September 202310.57 a.mCorn/Harvest Moon
28 October 20239.24 p.mHunter's Moon
27 November 20239.16 a.mBeaver Moon
27 December 202312.33 a.mCold Moon
Full Moon Calendar 2023

All times show the time of the full Moon at the Royal Observatory's home in London, either in GMT or BST depending on the time of year.

What is a Full Moon

A full moon is a lunar phase that occurs when the moon is located directly opposite the sun from the perspective of Earth. This alignment results in the entire illuminated hemisphere of the moon being visible from Earth, making it appear as a complete circle of light.

During a full moon, the sun, Earth, and moon are aligned in a straight line, with the Earth positioned in between the sun and the moon. The sun's rays illuminate the entire visible surface of the moon, giving it a bright and round appearance. Full moons typically occur approximately once a month, roughly every 29.5 days, as the moon orbits around the Earth.

The full moon is often associated with various cultural, religious, and mythological beliefs, and it has been the subject of fascination and observation throughout human history. It's also known for its potential influence on tides and certain natural phenomena, although the scientific understanding of these effects has clarified that they are primarily due to the gravitational pull of the moon rather than its phase.

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