Astronomical Calendar 2024

Astronomical Calendar 2024

Astronomical Calendar 2024 PDF provides information about celestial events and the positions of celestial bodies such as the Sun, Moon, planets, and other celestial objects.  Astronomical calendars are valuable tools for astronomers, stargazers, and anyone interested in observing the night sky. They can be found in various formats, including online resources, printed calendars, and astronomy apps.

The majority of these astronomical events are observable with the naked eye, although optimal viewing for some may require a good pair of binoculars.

Astronomical Calendar 2024

January 3, 4Quadrantids Meteor Shower
January 11New Moon
January 12Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation
January 25Full Moon
February 9New Moon
February 24Full Moon
March 10New Moon
March 20March Equinox
March 24Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation
March 25Full Moon
April 8New Moon
April 8Total Solar Eclipse
April 22, 23Lyrids Meteor Shower
April 23Full Moon
May 6, 7Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower
May 8New Moon
May 9Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation
May 23Full Moon
June 6New Moon
June 20June Solstice
June 22Full Moon
July 5New Moon
July 21Full Moon
July 22Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation
July 28, 29Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower
August 4New Moon
August 12, 13Perseids Meteor Shower
August 19Full Moon, Blue Moon
September 3New Moon
September 5Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation
September 8Saturn at Opposition
September 18Full Moon, Supermoon
September 18Partial Lunar Eclipse
October 2New Moon
October 8Draconids Meteor Shower
October 16Full Moon
October 31New Moon
November 7, 8Taurids Meteor Shower
November 15Full Moon, Supermoon
November 30Partial Lunar Eclipse
December 1New Moon, Total Solar Eclipse
December 14Geminids Meteor Shower
December 15Full Moon, Supermoon
December 29Ursids Meteor Shower

Astronomical Calendar 2024 - Key Elements and Events

  1. Solstices and Equinoxes:

    • Spring Equinox: Around March 20-21.
    • Summer Solstice: Around June 21-22 (the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere).
    • Fall Equinox: Around September 22-23.
    • Winter Solstice: Around December 21-22 (the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere).
  2. Phases of the Moon:

    • New Moon, First Quarter Moon, Full Moon, and Last Quarter Moon.
    • These phases repeat approximately every 29.5 days.
  3. Eclipses:

    • Solar Eclipse: When the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking all or part of the Sun's light.
    • Lunar Eclipse: When the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Earth's shadow to fall on the Moon.
  4. Planetary Positions:

    • Information about the visibility and positions of planets in the night sky.
    • Oppositions (when a planet is opposite the Sun in the sky) and conjunctions (when two celestial objects appear close together in the sky).
  5. Meteor Showers:Predictions for major meteor showers throughout the year.

  6. Constellation Events: Information about when certain constellations are most visible.

  7. Special Celestial Events: Occurrences such as comets, bright asteroids, and other notable celestial phenomena.

  8. Aphelion and Perihelion:The points in Earth's orbit where it is farthest (aphelion) and closest (perihelion) to the Sun.

  9. Transits:Events like the transit of Mercury or Venus across the face of the Sun.

  10. Galactic Events:Observations related to the Milky Way, such as its visibility and special events within it.

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